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Communicate With Confidence: Empowering You to Support Your Child with DLD
Welcome Video! (0:54)
Module 1: What is Developmental Language Disorder?
Lesson 1.1 Understanding DLD: What It Means for Your Child (7:56)
Lesson 1.2 Why Does My Child Have DLD? A Friendly Guide (7:47)
Lesson 1.3 DLD and Other Diagnoses: What Parents Should Know (2:59)
Lesson 1.4 Bilingualism and DLD: Supporting Your Child's Language Journey (4:11)
Module 2: Foundational Thinking Skills
Lesson 2.1 Helping Your Child Thrive: Understanding Executive Function Skills (10:03)
2.1b Video Example - Helping Your Child Thrive: Understanding Executive Function Skills (3:33)
Lesson 2.2 Growing Minds: The Order of Executive Function Skill Development (2:44)
2.2b Video Example - Growing Minds: The Order of Executive Function Skill Development (0:58)
Lesson 2.3 Guiding Thoughts: What Is Reflexive Questioning? (6:24)
2.3b Video Example - Guiding Thoughts: What is Reflexive Questioning? (6:34)
Lesson 2.4 Continuing On: Targeting EF Skills During Daily Activities (6:05)
Lesson 2.5 Going Deeper: Consistent Practice to Boost EF Skills (10:21)
Module 3: Your Child as a Learner
Lesson 3.1 Understanding Your Child: Exploring Nonverbal Intelligence (4:44)
Lesson 3.2 Understanding Your Child: Visual Learning (10:03)
Lesson 3.3 Understanding Your Child: Strengths and Self-Talk (8:27)
Module 4: How DLD Impacts My Child at Home
Lesson 4.1 Home Life: Challenges with Following Instructions (4:24)
Lesson 4.2 Home Life: Strategies for Following Instructions (12:34)
Lesson 4.3 Home Life: Understanding Conflicts Resolution Breakdowns (3:21)
Lesson 4.4 Home Life: Strategies for Conflict Resolution Skills (10:20)
Lesson 4.5 Home Life: Challenges with Participation in Family Discussions (4:14)
Lesson 4.6 Home Life: Strategies for Participation in Family Discussions (10:10)
Module 5: How DLD Impacts My Child at School
Lesson 5.1 School Life: How Vocabulary and Morphology Affect Learning (9:37)
Lesson 5.2 School Life: Strategies for Improving Vocabulary and Morphology Skills (14:36)
Lesson 5.3 School Life: How Grammar and Syntax Affect Learning (5:13)
Lesson 5.4 School Life: Strategies for Improving Grammar and Syntax (7:04)
Lesson 5.5 School Life: How Higher-Order Language Deficits Affect Learning (8:38)
Lesson 5.6 School Life: Strategies for Improving Higher-Order Language Skills (5:17)
Lesson 5.7 School Life: How Reading and Writing Challenges Affect Learning (7:29)
Lesson 5.8 School Life: Strategies for Improving Reading and Writing Skills (11:16)
Module 6: How DLD Impacts My Child Socially
Lesson 6.1 Social Life: Withdrawal and Aggression (7:17)
Lesson 6.2 Social Life: Strategies for Facilitating Peer Interaction (3:35)
Lesson 6.3 Social Life: Initiating, Turn-taking, Rudeness (4:24)
Lesson 6.4 Social Life: Strategies for Initiating, Turn-Taking, and Politeness (7:15)
Lesson 6.5 Social Life: Challenges with Jokes, Sarcasm, and Expressions (4:29)
Lesson 6.6 Social Life: Strategies for Jokes, Sarcasm, and Expressions (6:22)
Lesson 6.7 Social Life: Challenges with Sharing About Personal Experiences (6:49)
Lesson 6.8 Social Life: Strategies for Sharing About Personal Experiences (5:20)
Module 7: My Child's Future with DLD
Lesson 7.1 The Path Ahead: Beyond Highschool (2:26)
Lesson 7.2 The Path Ahead: Your Role in Your Child's Journey
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Lesson 6.3 Social Life: Initiating, Turn-taking, Rudeness
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